Stochastic Bookmark

abstruse unfinished commentary

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The imposed storylines of authoritariantive versions:

Dezső Kosztolányi, Anna Édes (trans George Szirtes): Reactionary bourgeois narcissism, in which only the murderer is innocent (even the author is implicated in the end). [review]

Roberto Bolaño, Nazi Literature in the Americas (trans Chris Andrews): Postulating a full-fledged movement, borrowing detail from literary actualities. As Amulet is embedded in The Savage Detectives (or, the former an elaboration of a section of the latter), so Distant Star is in Nazi Literature in the Americas. A bibliography of invented works includes Poe's "Philosophy of Furniture", from which interior description is directly lifted. [review; excerpts: The Mendiluce Clan, The Many Masks of Max Mirebalais, The Fabulous Schiaffino Boys, and in the same neighborhood but not in the book, "Álvaro Rousselot's Journey"]

Imre Kertész, Detective Story (trans Tim Wilkinson): A tables-turned fable, special police investigation. [review]

Hermann Broch, The Spell (trans H.F.Broch de Rothermann): A stranger comes to town, as once did an Austrian watercolorist-housepainter. Written thrice, the version published 25 years after Broch's death followed the first (1940) with elaboration from the first rewrite only in the purple patch of the narrator's first love. [summareview]

Ricardo Piglia, The Absent City (trans Sergio Waisman): Story machine escapes between the interstices of state machinations. [brieview]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you ever perused EAPoe's lengthy comments on Nate Hawthorne? Belle-lettrists we are not, but find EAP's complex criticism of NH rather fascinating--not so much for the content, but for a sample of EAP's thinking. EAP doesn't quite proclaim NH a fraud, but at least suggests he was a sort of eloquent opportunist. Hawthorne, however posh, never produced a Cask of Amontillado (or many other great EAP tales).

9/2/08 21:47  
Blogger Mahendra Singh said...

The fake Poe sounds so delicious! I must get a real job so I can afford to buy some of these books, they're too scarce to shoplift easily …

In response to perezoso, can we think of any other American author who would have had the audacity to write the "Domain of Arnheim"? And then follow it up with "Arthur Gordon Pym"?

10/2/08 10:32  
Blogger nnyhav said...

This was identified when last cited, but inclusion of something genuine amidst the inventions gives one pause. (It's been two years since it came up here with respect to the passing of another poet.) Is there something imposing about Poe, or about the detective story genrely, that is inherently protofascist, or more broadly protolarian, or merely convenient as pseudomythic device? And why should it succeed where Hawthorne's allegories fail? (Both also partake of the surreal, but Poe is the acknowledged source for later developments.)

10/2/08 12:27  
Blogger nnyhav said...

IM protolitarian. HTH.

10/2/08 21:21  
Blogger J said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

13/2/08 11:13  

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